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Summer Tunes
Scroll Down Each Week for the Latest Info

Well done everyone for an intensive effort to bash through 2 jigs in 90 minutes.
We can now reveal-Tune 1 was ‘Jeanie’s Blue E’en’ and Tune 2 was ‘Rosin The Bow’
Here are the ‘dots’ for both.
(Tune 1)
00:00 / 01:32
(Tune 2)
00:00 / 01:34

Hi everyone.  Week 2 completed with 3 Polkas.

Tune 3: ‘I’ll Tell Me Ma

Tune 4: ‘O’Connor’s Polka’

Tune 5: “Angus Polka No. 1’

Tune 3
00:00 / 00:54
Tune 4
00:00 / 01:44
Tune 5
00:00 / 01:46

Here are the sound files for the next 2 tunes. Listen to them a couple of times before class, to get an idea of their shape. 

(We’ll tell you their names and make the dots available after the class.)

After working on these next week, come back here and remind yourself of how they sound and play along for revision. 

2 American waltzes.

Hi everyone

week 3 completed with 2 American waltzes

Tombigbee Waltz  G  Tune 6

Westphalia Waltz  G  Tune 7

Tune 6
00:00 / 01:43
Tune 7
00:00 / 03:13
Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 12.16.34.png
Here is the sound file for the final tune. It’s a Scottish March. Listen a couple of times before class, to get an idea of shape.
(We’ll tell you its name and make the dots available after the class.)
After working on this next week, come back here and remind yourself of how they all sound and play along for revision.
All the soundfiles and dots will stay here till the New Year so you can come back and work on your favourites.


Tune 8
00:00 / 01:47
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